Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulus Schimulus

I haven't seen anything really *wrong* with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, yet...

... but am I the only one who's noticed that when they want us to swallow a horse pill, they call it a "stimulus" bill?

1 comment:

  1. Just responding to the first half of your comment: Can I recommend some books on Economics?

    For a good "things often done wrong and why they are wrong" type book, I'd recommend "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlett. Written in the 1940s, but then, humans beings have been making the same mistakes, with the same results, for as long as we've been around.

    "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell is a huge tome, but is nice for skipping around in. If you need your economics in bytes (pun intended), you can always check out econtalk.org for a great podcast, or the econtalk blog.
